May 01, 2017
Applications: Hunting, Fishing, Military, Ninja Moves, Coffee Barista Stare-downs
Tom here from RECON Rings, I wanted to touch base on what makes our silicone rings different and why they'll give you the tactical advantage that you'll need on the mountain top of Afghanistan, deserts of Iraq, or tree stand in upstate NY.
We've all seen the de-glovings, whether that's in person like me or on the internet, trust me you don't want to be the next youtube video that's gone viral. Dude, it's totally cool that your tungsten ring is stronger that a Wolf's bite, that means they'll rip your finger off when it gets caught on something, instead of breaking first.
Here are just a couple of quick reasons why a RECON ring is better than metal for you to think about before going out to hunt, fish, or before you are deployed.
Nothing catches your attention faster than being beamed in the eye by a glint of sunlight. Want to be a better hunter, fisherman, or soldier? Start by changing your visual appearance and addressing everything that can alert your prey or enemy.
RECON Rings were designed to remove any glare you would have presented from the objects you move around the most, your hands.
Having a non-reflective surface not only keeps you from being spotted, but prevents you from inadvertently beaming yourself in the eye with a beam of unexpected light, at the wrong moment.
Breaking up the visual pattern is what helps us blend into our environment. Ok, we admit that if somebody is close enough to differentiate a pattern line the size of your finger, having a camo ring isn’t going to save your stealthiness. They are already on top of you.
What it does do however is give you a tactical advantage OUT of the field. Go walk into a coffee shop with a camouflage rings, and it screams, “I hunt and eat my own meat, you better get my coffee right” which speaks volumes for it’s power.
When something is nonconductive it is not able to conduct heat, electricity or sound. RECON rings are nonconductive in all three realms making you one step closer to being silent, safe, and controlled.
We know our rings are priceless but seriously if you drop your metal band in the middle of a swamp and make your buddies wait around while you look for it, they might leave you in the swamp. Sometimes the best strategy is a zero guilt exit strategy.
September 07, 2022
July 27, 2022
June 16, 2022
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